.. / Contribute


Tactic, Technique, and Procedure


Each MFNttp is defined in a file in the _mfnttps/ folder named as <ttp name>.md, such file consists only of a YAML front matter which describes the ttpary and its functions.

The full syntax is the following:

description: Optional description of the ttp
    - description: Optional description of the example
      code: Code of the example
    - ....
    - description: Optional description of the example
      code: Code of the example
    - ...
resources: |
  <insert links here>
  <another link>
  ->delete the entire resources section to include header 
  if you do not have any links to add <-

Where FUNCTION is one of the values described in the _data/functions.yml file.

Feel free to use any file in the _mfnttps/ folder as an example.

Pull request process

Vendor software is accepted as well as standard Unix ttparies. Binaries and techniques that only works on certain operating systems and versions are accepted and such limitations shall be noted in the description field.

Before sending a pull request of a new ttp or function, ensure the following:

  1. Verify the function works on at least one type of modern Unix system.
  2. All new ttps must either be wrapper scripts that optimize common processes like ‘searchnse’ and ‘searchsploit’
  3. Do not attempt to include ttps that simply offer menus to invoke other ttps (there are of course are exceptions)

Pull requests adding new functions in _data/functions.yml are allowed and subjected to project maintainers vetting.